Golf Kaskáda
We make sustainable UAX clothing! - hand sewn in the Czech Republic golf-kaskadaWomen golf-kaskadaSki collectionSkis and racing suitsLADIES SKIS UAX!

LADIES SKIS UAX! LP 76 - LADIES PERFORMANCE 76 Ski collection for woman in color WHITE

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Price with VAT: 14 649.00 Kč
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Material: jádro dřevo

Parameters: 70-140cm

Made in the CZECH REPUBLIC. Local product.

LADIES SKIS UAX! LP 76 - LADIES PERFORMANCE 76 - women’s downhill skis which, thanks to a width of 76 mm under the boot, will ride you through almost any terrain with stability and without hesitation. You will have fun on a hard groomed piste in the morning as well as on a softer and chopped up snow in the afternoon. The skis are more suitable for short and medium turns and they will please a wide range of women skiers, even though they are mainly targeted at the sportier ones.

LADIES SKIS UAX! LP 76 - LADIES PERFORMANCE 76 - women’s downhill skis which, thanks to a width of 76 mm under the boot, will ride you through almost any terrain with stability and without hesitation. You will have fun on a hard groomed piste in the morning as well as on a softer and chopped up snow in the afternoon. The skis are more suitable for short and medium turns and they will please a wide range of women skiers, even though they are mainly targeted at the sportier ones.

In these skis is used a quality sintered racing base from the largest European manufacturer ISOSPORT.

Binding VIST VSP 310 + deska SPEEDSPACER

Binding VIST VSP 412 + deska SPEEDCOM


  • 141 cm -> 129 - 76 - 111 -> Radius 9 m
  • 148 cm -> 129 - 76 - 111 -> Radius 10,1 m
  • 155 cm -> 129 - 76 - 111 -> Radius 11,2 m
  • 162 cm -> 129 - 76 - 111 -> Radius 12,3 m

Grinding: 87° from side 0,5° from the bottom

  • Topsheet - To produce these skis is used quality structured polyamide topsheet from the largest European supplier ISOSPORT.
  • Lamination layer - In these skis are used two biaxial and one triaxial prepreg carrier layer. A prepreg is a cloth that is already completely saturated by the manufacturer. The material is more expensive, but this is the way to eliminate errors in the saturation of the fabric.
  • Titanium - Titanal is high quality carrier layer, that is used in the manufacture of skis. This layer significantly improves longitudinal and torsional rigidity. In these skis is used one sheet of titanal.
  • Core - We use a woodcore - unidirectional spruce plywood.
  • Sidewall - On the sidewall, we use ABS material with guaranteed quality from Europe's largest manufacturer ISOSPORT.
  • Damping - This is not the damping while driving but damping the differences in expansion of the material, it ensure that material hold together. As a damping, we use anti-vibration rubber tape with a thickness of 0.2 mm.
  • Edges - On these skis we use quality steel edges, about hardness 48 ° HRC.
  • Base - In these skis is used a quality sintered racing base from the largest European manufacturer ISOSPORT.

We make sustainable UAX clothing! - hand sewn in the Czech Republic
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